Bible-Literalist Institutes
Current Course Offerings (In Progress)
If you are interested in enrolling in this course, contact us. This series includes audio recorded lectures (wma/mp3 on CD) and worksheets. Only serious students need enroll.
01 The Atonement of Christ Is . . .
02 The Comprehensiveness of the Atonement.
03 Christ's Atonement Is the Basis of All His Offices.
04 Christ In His Atonement Is the Sum of All Teaching.
05 Christ In His Atonement Is the Substance of All Preaching.
06 Christ In His Atonement Is the Center of All Graces.
07 Christ In His Atonement Is the Medium of All Blessing.
08 The Meaning of Christ's Atonement.
09 The Meaning of Christ's Atonement - Old Testament Words Which Speak of Atonement.
10 The Meaning of Christ's Atonement - The Mercy Seat.
11 The Meaning of Christ's Atonement - Propitiation; Eight New Testament Messages.
12 What Is Christ To God and To Us?
13 The Scriptures and Christ's Atonement - Moses and Genesis.
14 The Scriptures and Christ's Atonement - Psalms.
15 The Scriptures and Christ's Atonement - The Prophets.
16 God and Christ's Atonement - God's Purpose.
17 God and Christ's Atonement - God's Commendation of His Love.
18 God and Christ's Atonement - God's Mission in Christ's Death.
19 God and Christ's Atonement - God Dealing With Sin in Christ's Death.
20 God and Christ's Atonement - God Not Sparing His Son From Death.
21 God and Christ's Atonement - God Giving Up Christ To Death.
22 God and Christ's Atonement - God For Us in the Death of His Son.
23 Sin and Christ's Atonement.
24 Sin and Christ's Atonement - Old Testament Words That Describe Man's Sin.
25 Christ and His Atonement.
26 Christ and His Atonement - The Nature of Christ's Death.
27 The Holy Spirit and Christ's Atonement - Bible Prepositions and the Atonement.
28 The Holy Spirit and Christ's Atonement - The Holy Spirit's Testimony of Provision.
29 The Holy Spirit and Christ's Atonement - The Holy Spirit's Testimony of Substitution.
30 The Holy Spirit and Christ's Atonement - The Holy Spirit's Testimony of Mediation.
31 The Holy Spirit and Christ's Atonement - The Holy Spirit's Testimony of Christ's Intention.
32 The Holy Spirit and Christ's Atonement - The Holy Spirit's Testimony of the Permanence of Christ's Work.
33 The Holy Spirit and Christ's Atonement - The Holy Spirit's Testimony of Or Identification With Christ.
34 The Holy Spirit and Christ's Atonement - The Qualifying Expressions Which the Holy Spirit Applied To the Blood of Christ.
35 Satan and Christ's Atonement.
36 Holiness and Christ's Atonement - "Calvary Words" Which Speak of Holiness in Relation to Christ's Death.
37 Service and Christ's Atonement.
38 The Glory and Christ's Atonement.
Other Courses Available
1. The Unsearchable Riches of Christ Series (URoC) - with audio-recorded lectures (wma/mp3) on CD, worksheets and text Four Churches by Robert E. Patenaude, Th.D.. Bible Institute/College level.
2. The Bible Companion Series (BCS) - with audio-recorded lectures (wma/mp3) on CD and worksheets. Bible Institute/College level.
3. The Why Did Christ Die Series (WDCD) - with audio recorded lectures (wma/mp3) on CD and worksheets. Bible Institute/College level.
4. The Baptist History Course (BH) - Utilizing the Baptist History Workbook by the late James Beller of Arnold, Missouri (Prairie Fire Press), and recorded readings and lectures (wma/mp3) based on Pastor Beller's books, America in Crimson Red, and The Soul of St. Louis. Bible Institute/College level.
5. The Theology Three Year Course (THEO) - with audio recorded lectures (wma/mp3) on CD and worksheets. Bible Institute/College level.
6. Pauline Practice in the Churches of God (PPCG) - with audio recorded lectures (wma/mp3) on CD and textbook by Robert E. Patenaude, Th.D.. Bible Institute/College level.
7. Pauline Instruction for the Home (PIH) - with audio recorded lectures (wma/mp3) on CD and textbook by Robert E. Patenaude, Th.D.. Bible Institute/College level.
8. Understanding the Times (UT) - with audio recorded lectures (wma/mp3) on CD and Textbook by David A. Noebel, Ph.D. or an approved adaptation. Bible Institute/College level.
9. Pastoral Theology (PT) - with audio recorded lectures (wma/mp3) on CD and textbook Seriousness of Soldiering by Dr. James Jones, Jr. of Harriman, Tennessee. Bible Institute/College level.
My Phone Numbers
In Campbellsburg, Indiana: +812-755-4822
Mobile: +812-844-8019.